Reasons to Book a Photoshoot Before Selling Your Horse

If you’ve been in the horse industry for any length of time, then you’ve seen for sale ads of all calibers. And if a picture is worth 1,000 words, then one trying to sell a horse has to be worth at least double. We’ve all seen the ads that make us cringe. You know the ones, they’re clearly a cell phone picture taken spur of the moment. A good set of sale pictures can legitimately make you more money when it’s all said and done and here’s why:

Buyers want to clearly see every aspect of your horse.
If they could look inside every internal organ, I would bet a majority of buyers would do so. A single picture of just one side of the horse with a saddle on simply isn’t enough, you really need to have at least all four sides. As the seller, this will save you from having to send individual pictures of each angle of the horse to multiple potentially buyers.

Lighting and conformation are everything when you’re trying to sell a horse online.
Let’s be honest here, we can all take a photo of our horse on our phone, but will it really be putting your best foot forward? I think it’s safe to say it won’t be. You want your sale pictures to have good lighting so buyers can truly see your horse for what they are. And on top of that, your horse needs to be standing square, so their conformation is on full display. A horse standing off balance can be more of a turn off than you might think.

Quality sale pictures will help attract serious buyers rather than all those tire kickers.
The last thing you want as a seller is to be answering a bunch of messages from people who are only marginally interested in your horse. It’s simple, high-quality images will automatically attract buyers who are ready and willing to buy your horse.

My sale packages include 10 digital images, which will be a real asset for you as a seller. Not only will you have a picture of all four sides of the horse, but we can also take some action shots. Those first four conformation shots need to show the horse without any tack and standing square on all four feet. But after that, we can get a little more creative with the other shots we take. As crazy as it sounds, having a variety of images on hand will give buyers a good impression of you as an owner and a seller. Building confidence with a potential buyer doesn’t have to be hard, you just have to put a little extra effort into the pre-sale process.

Booking a sale session is both easy and affordable. A $200 investment in an hour-long shoot gets you those ten digital images to work with for selling your horse. All you need to do is contact me through my website to set up a day and time for your shoot and you’re well on your way to cashing that check after selling your horse.

Want to take your sale ad to the next level? We can add a video package to your sale shoot to get even more buyers in your inbox. Yes, everyone has a smart phone and can take a quick video, but the quality leaves quite a bit to be desired. Much like the photos, a high-quality video is going to do more work for you in the long run. Video packages start at $150 and can be as simple or extensive as you’d like.

Add on a black background session for only $200 and help your horse truly stand out from the crowd. There’s nothing more striking than a well-groomed horse set against a black background. This makes it easy to get an honest feel for what that horse looks like because there are no distractions.

BONUS: booking a sale session doesn’t have to be exclusively for selling your horse. It can also be a great advertising tool for your operation or booking your stud for the next breeding season.

Regardless of how you use a sale/conformation session, it’s a great investment and potential clients and buyers will recognize that.