Michelle, Floyd, and Sienna
“A dream is a wish your heart makes.” – Cinderella
I don’t care if it’s kind of a cheesy quote, it’s the first thing I thought of when I met Michelle and heard her story. She’s one of those little girls who didn’t grow out of the horse phase. All she ever wanted was a horse of her own living in her backyard. In April 2020, Michelle made that dream a reality. As you can see, she got more than the proverbial pony in the backyard.
Floyd is 9-year-old dun Quarter Horse who fancies himself a large puppy dog. Purchased in February 2019, Floyd has put Michelle through the ringer in the last two years but that’s only brought them closer. First off, he’s a head shaker and he’s on the tail end of recovery from EPM. Since they’re still in the recovery process, Michelle doesn’t get to ride Floyd all that often. But she’s also just thankful to be past the worst of his EPM treatment. Because of his big personality, Floyd is always up in your grill but it’s mostly likely just because he’s looking for his favorite snack, peppermints.
Sienna is a 13-year-old Quarter pony who literally lived just down the street before moving in with Michelle and Floyd. Michelle was needing a companion for Floyd after moving to her new property and a neighbor knew Sienna would be the perfect fit. An old injury keeps Sienna from being a full-time mount but she is approved for light riding from Michelle’s daughter. As you can see, Sienna doesn’t miss meals but I don’t know a pony that does.
Michelle is a self-proclaimed hippy, but she keeps her corporate job with Walmart/Sams so she can keep her animals at their happiest. She’s quite literally living her dream and it was so much fun to capture that for her. I hope you can feel her joy through these photos just as I felt it being with her.